GUYS! I made a Therian mask in Art class TODAY! YAYYYY!😁😻
(Everyone was looking at me as I took this photo 😹😹😹)

GUYS! I made a Therian mask in Art class TODAY! YAYYYY!😁😻
(Everyone was looking at me as I took this photo 😹😹😹)
This post is for all Furry/Therian Haters who think They are the same thing:
I have been a therian since I was 5 years old and I am still! I have been bullied, and verbally abused for Being a Therian. My parents Hate it and verbally abuse me and make fun of me, so do my Classmates at my hellhole of a school. I am not asking for pity Obvi. but just know that hatered is what leads people to SH and Su!Cide. I ofc have been almost dragged into that. 😓 So please be kind to people of my nature as we are the nicest people you will ever meet, We may be weirdos, we may walk on 4 legs, we do in fact know that we are human, we just live different lives. The link on this post is to explain the differences between the two. I really do feel like people on this site need to know the difference! FURRIES AND THERIANS ARE NOT THE SAME AND THEY DESERVE RESPECT! YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH ISSUES! YOU MAY BE GAY, BISEXUAL, AND IDENTIFY AS NOT HUMAN, BUT WE ARE ALL THE SAME BLOOD, NO MATTER WHAT WE SO AS IDENTIFY AS! 😠
#stopfurryhate! #stoptherianhate!
See link here:
Me and my bestie Stella Fox In mincraft showing off our STAY pride and having matching skins on our server! we are having so much fun playing Minecraft and Blasting our favorite Stray kids music and DMing eachother randomly through the day!
I will always be your bestie, because you know too much
Left: Me dressed as Felix; Right: Stella Fox dressed as hyunjin
Stella Fox
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