Life is not easy. and you may want to give up.but whats the point? learn how to look after your self do things for yourself they will only do stuff for you for when you help them in the long run. dont tell personal info to people. its just they can use to make u feel say and empty. Why should i care about others if they dont care about me? i have parents. but i did things for myself i clean feed myself i even have a job. and im only 13. why is life like this? god made us for a reason but was my reason is to be tormented. to be made fun of? Idk i will keep living my life untill a real reason comes to my pathetic life. what is Love? sole mates the right one. i love people and i hate people but love can turn to hate faster then hate can turn to love. is it realy true love? you know some people die alone. will i be like that? when i die i will have no lover. "The worst she can say is no" theres always something worser they can say. theres no point in love for someone like me. why is my life like this. i love i get no love back so i hate. there really is no reason to this world...